The journal is based on double-blind peer review process. When a paper is received by editor-in-chief, it is first processed for the originality and the content of the paper. This part of the process is accomplished inside the firm and we check for similar articles to make sure the work is not published under similar titles with possibly other notations. This part is important since external reviewers may not necessarily look for the originality of the paper. We also make sure the paper maintains a low similarity index by excluding references from the whole paper. The figures should not be copied from other papers and they must be drawn appropriately. All equations must be typeset properly and they should not be in figure format. In addition, tables must be in table format. These are preliminaries to make sure that the paper is original.
Next, the editor-in-chief assigns the paper to an editor from the listed editorials on the website and he/she is responsible to find at least two reviewers for reviewing process. Details of the peer review are explained in this Flow Chart below:
Since International Journal of Business Studies is an open access journal, authors who publish their articles may maintain the copyright of their articles. In addition, anyone can have the access to full text of the published articles in PDF format without any restriction.
This journal is compliant with COPE regulations. For more detailed visit our ethics webpage